001 – Flying Saucer Video

Hello everyone, welcome to Flying Saucer Video!

In March 2023 I finished my last webcomic, Matchmaker. Since then I’ve been playing around with all kinds of different ideas mostly over on Patreon, keeping stuff close to the chest and relying on people’s kind support while I figured out my next big project. Currently that project is Ethernet Cable Girlfriend, a series I’ve been putting out as completed little comics after a lot of hard work. That’s been amazing, but I’ve really found myself missing the amazing world of silly, goofy, scribbly free webcomics!!!

And so!! While I want to keep working on Ethernet Cable Girlfriend, I am returning to the land of silly webcomics with Flying Saucer Video! A story with these characters also ran on my Patreon last year, but was abandoned. I loved it but it was so much effort and so complicated and trying to do too much. I spent a lot of time simplifying it here and have reworked it into something casual, silly, and so so fun to draw.

Since this is a side project to the other stuff I’m working on, it will be messy, imperfect and rough but I’m really excited about that. I hope you all enjoy reading! This comic will update Monday, Wednesday and Friday unless I decide that’s too much! See you on Wednesday for more Franky :)


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